Thursday, December 31, 2015


Not much to say on this one. Got out of work early & took the kids to the park. Let them play while I worked out. Happy New Year.


Beginner Shrimp Squats - 8/7/7
Eccentric Pull Ups - 7/7/7
Decline Pike Pushups - 8/7/7
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 8/7/7
Close Elbow Pushups - 8/8/8
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 7/6/6
Arm & Leg Lift Plank - 0:40

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Shouldn't have taken the week off. Really hurt my performance and motivation. Stepped it back to the same reps as last week except for the plank. I finally read up on the plank progression, it turns out it's not good for your body to do more than about a minute of planks. On another note, my wife got me new running shoes for Christmas and me tendonitis is feeling better. I ran to and from the park, we'll see how it feels tomorrow. Hope your Christmas was a good one.


Beginner Shrimp Squats - 7/7/7
Eccentric Pull Ups - 7/7/6
Decline Pike Pushups - 7/7/7
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 7/7/7
Legs Assisted Dips - 7/6/6
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 6/6/6
Arm & Leg Lift Plank - 0:30

Friday, December 18, 2015


I should be working out tonight. But I have things to do. I need to get a last minute gift or two, and tomorrow is cookie baking day! So tonight I prep. Don't worry I'm giving most of them away. I'm also going to try a recipe I found for protein cookies. I'm even thinking I might start a feature where I try a different protein cookie recipe every week & post my findings...
So tonight I'm going to skip my StartBodyWeight workout and do the following @ home as a HIIT cardio circuit. Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I get to be a slacker.


45 sec on
15 sec break

Set1 - 2 rounds=8 min

Set 2 - 2 rounds=8 min
Side planks
Mountain climbers


I'm glad nobody seems to be following me yet, I haven't been that great @ updating.  Still biking before my workouts. Still sucks getting home late.

With all the holiday good at the office, I think I'm going to need to diet until June to work it off. Then I might as well just keep dieting in advance for next year. =)
On that note, I haven't been sweating my diet yet. I figure there's too many good things to eat, I don't want to get discouraged. But after the holidays? It's on. I'm getting serious. I have a plan.


Beginner Shrimp Squats - 7/7/7
Eccentric Pull Ups - 7/7/6
Decline Pike Pushups - 7/7/7
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 7/7/7
Legs Assisted Dips - 7/6/6
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 6/6/6
Leg Lift Plank - 1:10 x3

Monday, December 14, 2015


Not much to say tonight. I enjoy biking, but it makes a 1 hour workout (1/2 hr cardio, 1/2 hr strength training) into a 2 hour workout (1-1/2 hr cardio, 1/2 hr strength training). Makes for late nights. On the other hand, I feel like the strength training is paying off already. When I started I would only do 1 pull up. Now doing the eccentric pull ups, I feel like I could do 2 or more pull ups. Progress.
I did keep the planks at :50 but did 3 sets. What I've read isn't clear if your only supposed to do one set of planks or 3. One seems too easy.


Beginner Shrimp Squats - 7/7/6
Eccentric Pull Ups - 7/6/6
Decline Pike Pushups - 7/7/6
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 7/7/6
Close Elbow Pushups - 8/8/7
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 6/6/5
Leg Lift Plank - 1:00

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I really need to remember to post these. =)

Man, this Achilles thing has me down. I've been enjoying me running, & biking is going to add some serious time into my cardio in order to equal the running I was doing... I suppose even some would be better than none.

Maybe a little inspiration is in order.
Maybe some day..

Beginner Shrimp Squats - 7/6/6
Eccentric Pull Ups - 6/6/6
Decline Pike Pushups - 7/6/6
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 7/6/6
Legs Assisted Dips - 6/6/6
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 6/5/5
Leg Lift Plank - 0:50

Play with crow stands


Oops almost forgot to post this...

So i decided to try a third park tonight. Park 3 is roughly 1-1/2 miles from the house & i found everything I need for now in one little play structure. I'll have to stop by during the day & snap a pic to share.

I think I've dialed in what progressions & reps I should be doing. Felt pretty good and I was able to hold a crow stand for about 5 seconds.

Unfortunately I think I have tendonitis in my left Achilles. Its been stiff and sore for a while now, a couple of months at least. From reading, it probably started from wearing work boots that didnt have proper support, and has been aggravated by running in worn out shoes. So for now the plan is to swich to biling as my cardio, & stretch 2-3 times a day. I'll have to schedule a Dr's appointment to get it checked.


Beginner Shrimp Squats - 6/6/6
Eccentric Pull Ups - 6/6/5
Decline Pike Pushups - 6/6/6
Forearm Bent Knee Raises - 6/6/6
Close Elbow Pushups - 8/7/7
Inverted Rows, One Leg - 5/5/5
Leg Lift Plank - 0:45

Played with crow stands